
Bootstrapping and plotting 95% confidence bands: 'Causal Inference: What If' Causal Survival Analysis. Parametric g-formula

In this post, I explore parametric g-formula fitting in the causal survival analysis context. I use the machinery of the tidyverse throughout the post and finish with plotting the 95% confidence band around the g-formula fitted survival curve for smokers vs non-smokers (see Chapter 17, Hernán MA, Robins JM (2020).

Bootstrapping and plotting 95% confidence bands: 'Causal Inference: What If' Causal Survival Analysis

In this post, I have a look inside the Chapter 17 on Causal Survival Analysis of the “Causal Inference: What If” book by M. Hernan and J. Robins. I explore IPTW fitting following the chapter’s narrative and use the machinery of the tidyverse throughout.